In the US, around 14% of American adults use CBD products. This is one of the hottest cannabis products on the market today.
But did you know that cannabis is full of other cannabinoids? This is what CBD is!
You may already be familiar with THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the cannabinoid present in cannabis that gets you high. But what about other lesser-known ones, like CBN and CBG?
When it comes to cannabinoids such as CBN vs CBD vs CBG, what’s the difference anyway? Read on to find out more.
What Are Cannabinoids?
First of all, let’s explore what cannabinoids are before we delve into the individual ones.
Cannabinoids are natural compounds that are found in cannabis plants. Today, scientists have isolated at least 144 from these plants, which is quite extraordinary!
However, the focus has only been on a select few, such as THC and CBD. This is because when it comes to cannabinoid research, it’s still pretty much in its infancy.
However, focus on other cannabinoids has slowly emerged, such as on CBN and CBG (which we’ll explore a little later).
How Do Cannabinoids Work?
These compounds work by binding to cannabinoid receptors in our cells. In our endocannabinoid system, we have 2 types of receptors: CB1 and CB2.
Depending on the specific cannabinoid, the receptors, and where the receptors are located in our bodies, ingestion of cannabinoids can have an effect on our body.
For example, you already know that THC can give you a euphoric feeling. THC can also provide pain relief and has anti-inflammatory properties.
As you can see, cannabinoids are very promising in terms of alleviating ailments.
What Is CBN?
CBN stands for “cannabinol”. It’s actually the first cannabinoid that was isolated in its pure form, back in 1896. The CBN isolate was thought to be what gives the famous high that cannabis does. However, they later found out it was THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
What’s curious about CBN is that it’s actually an oxidation product of THC. This means that if you leave your cannabis lying around for a bit, the THC in it will slowly convert into CBN. If you expose it to heat or light, it can speed up this process.
Like THC, CBN will bind to CB1 receptors. However, it only binds at one-tenth of the strength of THC. It also doesn’t produce an intoxicating high, which is great if you want some relief from an ailment but don’t want to be impaired.
However, scientists aren’t entirely sure what it does. More research needs to be done before we can say exactly how it benefits the human body.
However, we do think that it has anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, and appetite-stimulating properties. It might also help relieve pain when combined with CBD (more on this cannabinoid later).
The frustrating thing about CBN is that if you want to benefit from it, you can’t find cannabis strains that are CBN-specific. The best chance of getting more CBN in your cannabis is to expose it to heat and light.
However, you should note that CBN does help with the entourage effect. This is where all compounds work together to amplify one another.
What Is CBD?
CBD is perhaps the most famous cannabinoid, right after THC. CBD stands for “cannabidiol” and is also a non-intoxicating compound.
Most of today’s CBD products come from hemp plants, which means they’re legal. CBD products that came from marijuana plants with less than 0.3% THC were also fully legalized in 2018 under the Farm Bill. This is why you saw so many CBD products on the market.
Studies on CBD have shown that it can be used for things like nausea, pain, seizures, and anxiety. It can also help with brain function.
In fact, CBD can actually counteract the anxiety and paranoia that often comes with THC usage. Scientists believe it’s due to the entourage effect.
What Is CBG?
CBG stands for “cannabigerol”. It’s actually very similar to CBD in terms of molecular structure. Like the other 2 cannabinoids, CBG is also a non-intoxicating compound, which makes it great for those who need a substance they can take while carrying out daily activities.
CBG has been shown to help with ocular swelling, which means it’s very promising for people with glaucoma. It can also help with pain and inflammation, as well as digestive issues. As you can see, there are various CBG benefits, just like with the other cannabinoids.
A potential obstacle that comes with CBG is that cannabis plants produce very little of it. However, scientists have been breeding CBG-rich strains that can produce around 15% of CBG, which is promising for the future of this cannabinoid.
As we’ve said above, CBD and CBG are very similar. However, CBD seems to benefit mainly the central nervous system while CBG acts more on the periphery of your body.
One of the major differences between CBN from the other 2 cannabinoids is that it’s converted from THC. Also, while CBD and CBG are completely non-intoxicating, CBN will have slight psychoactive effects. It might make you feel drowsy, which is great for insomnia.
Reap the Maximum Benefits of Cannabis
Now you know all about CBN vs CBD vs CBG. Of course, they all have their differences and have various unique benefits.
But the most important thing is that by taking 2 or all 3, you’ll reap the maximum benefits of cannabis. With the entourage effect in place, it’ll amplify the power of each cannabinoid so you get the most out of them.
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